Its official. After a break of almost three years, during which I've settled into married life, wined, dined, partied, become a PIO (Person of Indian Origin), had a baby, bought a house and finally quit my job, its time to return to the Blogosphere. I've actually been an on off blogger for 6 years - I've gone through all the stages : been obsessed by blogging, overdone it, revealed the murkier details of my life to the entire world, realised the error of that, gone cold turkey, pulled the blog down, started a new one (this one) and again fizzled out thanks to a combination of too much work and generally feeling uninspired. Now I'm back, fully charged and with a lot of time on my hands having just given up my very stressful job as head of a department for a big media company. I'm exhausted frankly, my brain is refusing to co-operate when challenged with the minutae of corporate life, and I choose instead to turn to a life (however fleeting) of playing with my year old baby, cooking for my husband (yes really!!), travelling and rekindling connections with old friends (leaving comments on their Facebook statuses is no longer good enough) and of course writing. I'm in the middle of a book which I'm really excited by, and if it doesn't get published, then you'll see it on this very blog :). I'm going to try very hard to relax, wind down, and make the most of this sabbatical, the first after a very long ten years of working in Asia.
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