Monday, August 18, 2008

On Big Brother, Bigg Boss .. and more

2 weeks later ... and I am still on the subject of crap TV. Though crapness is always relative, I'm still avidly checking out the latest Big Brother UK on You Tube. The marketeers are smart .. very smart. One fix was all it took to create the addiction .. the opening episode, where all the wannabes parade and primp and pose ... which had me hooked, and racking up thousands of rupees worth of You Tube downloads (I kid you not). 

So with my Big Brother fixes limited to downloading ONLY on a Friday night (eviction night), I was completely over excited to see that Jade Goody was to enter the Bigg Boss house (the limp Indian equivalent, now into its second series on Viacom's latest GEC the misspelled Colors). So, now I'm hooked onto Bigg Boss, and I haven't even started watching it yet (first episode was last night .. but I forgot to turn on). So I went onto the website today ... aaagh it was awful, misspelt, bland and a total disappointment .... and not only that but the opening episode when they all trip merrily into the house WASN"T EVEN TELEVISED ... er the logic???? So someone missed a trick, and the chance to create an addict ... but maybe tonight's episode will do that. Stay posted for the writeup. 

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